Matrixy photoshop pic

a girl i know asked me to draw this pic… i’m not to good at lineart but i think the result isn’t that bad so i’ll put the link up here.

let me know what you think of my matrixpic

Not bad at all, might be something there for you to keep going at it , considering you think you are bad , it turned out pretty nice :slight_smile:

i think it’s cool… but it doesn’t look like real (vector) lineart to me. All the same, it’s funky :slight_smile:

The few things i noticed that could use a bit of work were 1) i think the shoulders are a bit too broad for a female
2) it’d be cool to add a reflection to the sunglasses and 3) your background could be better, just by adding some more of those lines of text stuff… i think the official ones are some other ‘language’, but even just some more normal roman characters in a funky font would be cool… and would add depth, enhancing the matrixy feel

Anyway, i still think it’s great =)

cool but the faces look wierd! But it’s cool!

thnx for the nice comments ppl.

it’s not really vector art since i made the sketch, inkted it, scanned them in and started photoshopping on that :).

i know the faces are funky, i worked from pictures for a part and improvised the rest. I probly tried to much to draw from the pictures.

The background, yeah i originally had a cool effect for it but it didn’t work out. And since i did not have much time (searching for reference material, sketching, inkting, photoshop in about 7 hours while chatting on msn in the mean time ;)) i left it the way it was. Maybe i’ll redo it sometime. But now i got some other projects i’m working on

I like the jagged effect of it, I think that works nicely. But I agree about the faces. :slight_smile:

It’s good work though. :slight_smile:

yeh i know :s… i drew em from the pic because i wanted them to be recognizable… lol now they just look ugly and unrecognizable, double failure :slight_smile:

shouldn’t have gone against my judgement and worked from my head and not a pic like i always do