Max help

I cannot remember how to rotate the axis gizmo…Here is what I am doing I am trying to a shapemerge …then a solidify… A shape merge works on the -z axis. So I need to have a certain portion o my object on the z-axis for the shape merge. When i rotate the object it also rotates the axis gizmo… I cannot remember how to change the orientation of the axis without changing the oject orientation…pleez help…

Oh yeah it is 3ds max 5

nevermind…its been a long day I figured it out…dang I feel like such a bone head

enlighten us 3diva, I couldn’t figure out what you’d done there…

Basically I had change my coordinate sytem to local somewhere along the line and it was throwing my axis points off…and when I was doing my shape merge it was screwing things up and I could not figure out why z was not z. But after a shot of brandy it ocurred to me. BTW I found out in most case shape merge yields better results that a boolean subtract…Just an FYI