Maya 5!

yes I know ( I think the plugin runs on 500$ too)…

but ppl shouldn’t say max doesn’t have a vector renderer… :frowning:

don’t diss max…

it used to be very expensive, but i looked up the price now and it’s $295


I just got a 450$ tax return… mebbe I should invest…?


I knew max had a plugin for vector output, not dissing max either, I love the stacking capabilities of max, though i prefer working in maya , and the long wait for vector output and better rendering with mental ray 3.2 will make maya the complete package… as before the rendering system was well not bad just hard to get good results and vector was not available at all. Now one package can do basically everything!!! :beam:

I tried the personal learning edition once, I never figured out how to werk around in maya…

I’m a max kinda guy… yep… all max…