I already cheched the 3d programs sticky
but i want to know the differenc bewteen maya and 3d max
which one stronger
Maya is by FAR the better. The only trouble is that it costs a LOT. I got a copy from a film company
But they use maya for film, and television- If you walk into a studio and say 3ds- they will laugh.
I know this for a fact- because I got into a studio to watch the production of animation and VFX for Superman Returns they used Maya, and Shake.
i’m going for maya. I just love it:)
for animation, stick with maya. definitely better. but for complex models, i’d have to go for 3dsmax:)
agree with darkmotion with the expensive part…prices are deadly:)
Designer = Maya
Game Designer = 3d Max
IMO this is usually how it works (my friends manoring in game design and this is what he told me when I was talking to him about Maya).
I’d say 3ds if you want some versatility towards what areas of design you want to touch on, and also it’s easier to learn.
Right now I’m trying to switch to maya, but it’s just harder to adapt to completely. Also, there is a lot more tutorials and lessons for 3ds, so you could pick up the basics from that easily.
Just try the trials of 3ds, and the free version of maya. See what you like. But for a beginner, I recomend going with 3ds.
i would say maya (i switched to maya from max years ago) but now that autodesk (people that make 3d max) own Maya also, I would be kinda scared of it being discontinued or not being updated…
I don’t agree withe MAYA=by far the better.
I’ve used both and like maya much more, but I’d say like es that 3ds is better if you’re on your own and a do-it-yourself man. If you’re willing to work in a team and only focus on a particular area of 3D, i’d say maya is your tool.
Maya complete is, I think, around 2,000 USD (unlimited much more) where as 3DS is around 3,200 USD (quick google search, I’m guessing this is the right range) so prices are just crazy. Student and learning editions are cheap/free
edit: It’s not really an intelligent way to compare the apps but go to http://forums.cgsociety.org/forumdisplay.php?f=121 the author of these great images post which apps they’ve used (3ds,maya,xsi,zbrush,PS etc…)
Hey, all you maya users. I just wanted to know. Where did you learn to use maya? I can’t find any direct maya beginner tutorials, like rendering and dynamics, etc.
If you could help, that’ll be awesome.
I guess I’m just weird, but I actually thought Maya was easier to learn than 3ds. I started them both around the same time. I adapted better to Maya’s structure easier. I just wish there were more tutorials for it.
thanks for your opinions everybody
I tried both products by the trials
and i feel maya is easier for me to understand
Also with maya is it impossible for it to be for game design
both are used to make movies. Wasnt finding nemo made with 3ds?
no pixar uses a lot of their own software… but it was mainly based on maya.
Nah seriously no one touches 3ds for movies. It’s just not powerful enough. It’s(3ds)great for designers who dont need the crazy high end power of maya, and game making- but no Pixar uses their own software and Maya. There are also addons to maya from pixar like renderman and shizzle.
And actually when u check out the price of maya its crazy compared to 3ds. I asked them how much they could get a commercial version and its like $1000. For the latest Maya its like $2000+ :-o im glad I got good contacts
Maya books are the best and esiest way to learn Maya their foundation books are awesome I own 5 of them, some digital tutors videos also help and some nice sites with tutorials, free plugins and info are www.highend3.com and www.learningmaya.com
Good luck
what about cinema 4d? does what it supose to do and you dont have to spend sh*tloads of cash on it…
Im sticking with 3ds for now. I really don’t need anything super high end stuff.
Lightwave ! :thumb:
:sigh: … I’m laughing a little bit myself
Max is just as powerful a tool as Maya. It all depends on which workflow you prefer. I use both but prefer Max because I can complete my projects far more efficiently than Maya because I prefer its tools and interface.
Max IS used for movies but the reason Maya is still the predominent app in films and taught in colleges has alot to do with most studios and schools being Mac based and Max is only for PC. I actually haven’t used Maya at all since Autodesk bought them. Im waiting to see what happens to it.
The multimedia studio where I work is PC based. We mainly use 3dsMax.
The production studio down the hall is Mac based. They only use Maya.
Another nice tool!
if you arnt already a talented modeler, then I would have to say none, because without a book or a teacher of somesort it is kind of impossable to learn anything ithout confusing yourself into oblivion first.
My easier to use choices: cinema 4d, Rhino, z-brush
[ot]Hey badmonur, you never showed us your kickass drawing skills, what happened?[/ot]