Hey all just a heads up that Alias has released some new cool tools for Maya 5.0/5.1 under a package called bonus tools. Totally free and there are some little vids that showcase some of the better tools in the plugin. check it out !
:thumb: :beam:
Hey all just a heads up that Alias has released some new cool tools for Maya 5.0/5.1 under a package called bonus tools. Totally free and there are some little vids that showcase some of the better tools in the plugin. check it out !
:thumb: :beam:
I thought we had Maya fans here!? … come on people…get with the downloading
*Originally posted by …::SoulMan::… *
**I thought we had Maya fans here!? … come on people…get with the downloading
:beam: **
well i just woke up and you can be sure im donna download it thanks for the tip :thumb: Maya rules
any mods out there, can we move this thread to the design and drawing forums since it might be more appropriate there.
all taken care of…
thanks dude
that mirror polygon tool looks mighty-helpful!
Wow I had never heard of that program, looks good.
Grimdeath, my side was spliting after seeing your sig and avatar. lol
all 6 featured are awesome tools. my favourite would have to be Geometry Paint.
Well yikes I looked at it, looks great, then I clicked pricing and my heart droped.
Sweet mother of God 1999.00 DOLLARS!!!
what i have posted is a plugin for maya , maya cost the amount your saying, i think that is the unlmited version as well, the plugins i’m talking about are free.
yeah but you have to own the application first before you can install plugins to it.
I however do not own the app now. And at that price I will have to sell everything I own to own it.
(which isn’t happing)
lol, you can always download the PLE (peronal learning edition) or can buy at education prices
For Free
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