The new maya unlimited is cooooool

Hey in a earlier post I kinda bashed Maya. But alias/wavefront just sent us some free copies of Maya unlimited 4.5 to play and I must say I am impressed I used a fairly old version that lacked alot of stuff. So for that person who was looking for advice on 3d solutions I give Maya the nod and worth looking into. although it is a 7g solution. But for me it was $FREE.99.

i have it but i cant get it to work
anyway i can purchase one from you for alot cheaper

hhahahahaha…I wish I could I do think some of these things are sorely over priced… What are you having probs with maybe I can help get yours going. pm or email the info.

Dude your footer causes eye strain…and epilleptic seizures…:-\ …although it is rather hypnotic better not be hidden messages in there

ahhh! Kaotic! My eyes hurt! :stuck_out_tongue:

thats the point :evil:

j/p bro:P

how did u get free copies of maya :O?

Kazaa, mmmm mmmm better…

I got mine from alias/wavefront they are trying to wine and dine the company I work for so they came by and gave us shirts and software. But dan is right you can get it from kazaa…But piracy is not very cool. I think they have downloads available too

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**Kazaa, mmmm mmmm better… **

curious and interesting…very… FBI recieves anonymous tip from anonymous source about illegal software in possesion of dan and dan is sent to jail FOREVER :stuck_out_tongue: