I’m looking for a good (and by good I mean clear and complete) book to learn Maya. A bible, with step by step instructions and examples. Does anyone have such a book? Tips? Advice?
Thanks in advance! Mum wants to have X-mas gift ideas.
I’m looking for a good (and by good I mean clear and complete) book to learn Maya. A bible, with step by step instructions and examples. Does anyone have such a book? Tips? Advice?
Thanks in advance! Mum wants to have X-mas gift ideas.
i highly recommend this book i purchased it and its very easy to understand and it also brings a 4 hours dvd tutorial session as well
check it out
im planning on getting the rendering book and the character rigging book for christmas :beam: if you purchase 2 books its cheaper
defintely go for that book. But why get a book when you can practically learn everything about maya from the web?
Here are sites that WILL definetly help you
basic - advanced (practically every tut. about maya on the web organized and catagorized)
thanks 4 da link kay, but books come in handy when theres no internet and to have for reference, and check out the tutorials maya brings its pretty good as well.
Cool! Actually that was a review from the Amazon.com website… but I’ll pick this one, I trust ya.
Not bad for a first chapter! Is it an example straight from the book or did you make it all by yourself?
And of course I’ve been a good boy! :beam:
its a sample straight from the book its the first chapter trust me i never used a real 3D apt before and i purchased this book and i got up and made that its a great buy you wont regret it :thumb:
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