MC along a motion path


A simple question…

Can a MC follow a motion path? The help file in Flash says tweened instances, groups or text blocks can be animated on a path. Is an MC one of these?


Yes. Did you need to know how?

If you have the time! Yes I could use the help. The help file is ok but I didnt follow it well.

First you have to create whatever symbol you want to follow the path. A movie clip will work, anything that can be motion tweened. Put that out on the stage then add a guide layer above it. To add the guide layer, click on the middle button under your layer names that has a plus sign jumping off from a little ball. Put this one level above your movie clip. Then, draw your path on this layer. Just use the line tool or pencil or whatever you want to draw your path. Extend this layer out as many frames as you want the animation to be. Go back to the first frame where you want the tween to start and click on your movie clip. Drag it over on top of the line you just drew where you want it to start and it should snap on to it. Then make a new keyframe however many frames later and snap it to the guide layer at the other end. Set up a motion tween on your movie clip and you should be good to go :slight_smile:

There ya go…

wow nice footer you have got there Freddythunder :wink:

Thanks for the messages… I tried it and I get the blasted and most dreaded,dashed line in the tween. Ive attached the fla if anyone has a moment. Seems like the last line on the help message gets me…


I see, thanks!!


BTW - thanks Grey_xx - I just made it. I put a thank you to you but someone replaced it with asdfdsdfsdfff…