Movement using actionscript along path/guide layer?

Hi there folks.
After following the tutorial on movement with actionscript i would now like to make the movement follow a path set by guiding layer or something with the same effect as a guide layer,
All help and suggestions would be gratefully appriciated
Thanks again for your time and help.

:hr: Ramsey

Welcome, Ramsey! :stuck_out_tongue:

Check this out:

It’s been asked a couple of times before, so run a search if you have any questions; chances are someone already answered it. :slight_smile:


err, maybe one should be more carefull for what one ask’s for


i would like to make a network cable (snake)

slide in //would be nice if it were along a path
then //on a seperate btn
gotoAndPlay // cable (snake) continues to slide in .

now using tween i think i need “_rotation” on the head so it looks reasonably like a snake and duplicate mc of some kind to do the body (cable)

if in any way this makes sense to any one then i’ll be suprised and if help comes then i’ll be amazed …and thankfull


You are better off with a tween and a motion guide. Sometimes actionscripted motion isn’t better than tweened :wink:

etc, etc, etc.

Well… it’s probably not better than tweened motion, but it’s definitely more fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh… naturally!