I had a Movie done in AS1 and now I need to add a new function to it and it requires AS2. The movie was done in Flash 6 and now I am publishing it in Flash 9 in order to make my new function to work.
Everythings seems to work fine with the exception of the the menu which are MCs.
The menu supposed to appear at position 0 with the exception of the Current slide which it should drop down 10 pixels with a bouncing movement.
Can someone explain to me why is it that this code works in Flash 6 and not it Flash 9?
menu_num = 5;
ratio = 0.45;
friction = 0.75;
_root.curNum = 1;
var menuTimer = 0;
slide.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x = this._x+(slide.Ypos-this._x)0.2;//Slider Speed
for (i=1; i<=menu_num; i++) {
_root[“menu”+i].target_pos = 0;
_root[“menu”+i].arrows._alpha = 0;
_root[“menu”+i].onEnterFrame = function() {
this.next_pos = (this.target_pos-this._y) _root.ratio+this.next_pos_root.friction;
this._y = this._y+this.next_pos;
name = this._name;
num = name.substring(4, 6);
if (!this.menu) {
if (this.arrows._alpha>0) {
this.arrows._alpha = this.arrows._alpha-40;
} else {
if (this.arrows._alpha<=100) {
this.arrows._alpha = this.arrows._alpha+20;
_root[“menu”+i].onRollOver = function() {
name = this._name;
num = name.substring(4, 6);
_root.curNum = num;
_root[“menu”+i].onRollOut = function() {
cmdInterval = setInterval(menuTimer, 4000);
function menu() {
i = _root.curNum;
_root[“menu”+i].target_pos = 10;
_root[“menu”+i].menu = true;
_root.preNum = i;
_root.slide.Ypos = -(800(i-1));
function menuOff() {
i = _root.preNum;
_root[“menu”+i].menu = false;
_root[“menu”+i].target_pos = 0;
function menuTimer() {
if (_root.curNum == _root.menu_num) {
_root.curNum = 1;
} else {
You can download the FLA here
If you change the version back to version 6 and publish it it will work how I want it to work but my DynamicTxt won’t show. If I save it as version 9 my menu won’t drop down but my DynamicTxt will show.