MC Prob

Ok, Here is the problem. I have a MC with two frames in it.
Frame 1: This frame has nothing in it. Just blank with a stop(); action.
Frame 2: This frame contains a small picture with a button.
Then I put the following actions in the MC.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
} else {
Then I created another Scene called PICS. When the key A (65) is down it does go to the second frame, only problem is then the button doesn’t work. I have the button with all its designs needed and the following script.
(Oh by the way, Both scenes have a stop action on frame 1 in its own actions layer.) The button works… somewhat. The actions don’t seem to be taking effect. When I clicked the button the whole button disappears real quick and reappears… Odd eh. So I can’t get the to work. Any Ideas???
One last question as well. Is there anyway to flip a MC over when you hit a key. For example: Say I have a arrow pointing to the right and I hit the left key. I wan’t it to flip over and stay like that untill I hit Right Which then flips it to the other side and so on. (At the same time as the MC is playing.) Sorry if this is too confusing. I’ll try to explain it better if needed.
I have attached a fla file showing the prob. Kinda late so I hope I got the right one. lol THANKS