Mc trouble

hey there guys !! ok… so i created this movie clip { lets call it “main mc” heh}… and in the movie is another movieclip [ that i am using as a button ]… and when you click that mc, it takes you to a certain part of the main mc…

but it doesnt work !! can anyone help me out please? :block:

is main mc the instance name? i’m not sure if you’re allowed spaces in instance names…I’m not sure what i know hwat you mean…do you mean when you press a button, you want to access something within a movieCLip; and this movieclip is within ANOTHER movieclip??

i know a bit confusin what i just said :stuck_out_tongue:

onClipEvent(load) {
this.onRelease = function() {

Put this on the movieclip that has to be pressed and change “frame” to the frame number to go to…
You have to use _parent because other wize it would try going to the specified frame inside the movieclip that has those actions…

edit: yeah… I don’t think you can use spaces in instance names but that’s not the case here…

*Originally posted by blah-de-blah *
**is main mc the instance name? i’m not sure if you’re allowed spaces in instance names…I’m not sure what i know hwat you mean…do you mean when you press a button, you want to access something within a movieCLip; and this movieclip is within ANOTHER movieclip??

i know a bit confusin what i just said :stuck_out_tongue: **

no it isnt instance name… :crazy: i just called it main mc so that it would less confusing… hehe… guess it didnt work. lol :cowboy:

what i mean is… when you press this mc inside another mc… it takes you to a certain frame within the mc that its in… lol i hope that was clearer… hehe :thumb:

*Originally posted by Syko *
**onClipEvent(load) {
this.onRelease = function() {

Put this on the movieclip that has to be pressed and change “frame” to the frame number to go to…
You have to use _parent because other wize it would try going to the specified frame inside the movieclip that has those actions…

edit: yeah… I don’t think you can use spaces in instance names but that’s not the case here… **

cool !! ill try that out ! :smiley: thanks :tb:

woohooo !! it worked !! thanks a lot man !! :bu:

OK that was SLIGHTLY clearer :stuck_out_tongue: dind’t sykos work? ok so you have 2 MC’s (mc1 and mc2). MC1 is in MC2…so when you press MC1 you want it to go to a frame in MC1 right??

So you just do:

on (release) {

something like that?? or am i wrong :-\

it worked ! and i couldnt be happier… rofl :wink:

lol ppl! :slight_smile:

np =)