hey there guys !! ok… so i created this movie clip { lets call it “main mc” heh}… and in the movie is another movieclip [ that i am using as a button ]… and when you click that mc, it takes you to a certain part of the main mc…
but it doesnt work !! can anyone help me out please? :block:
is main mc the instance name? i’m not sure if you’re allowed spaces in instance names…I’m not sure what i know hwat you mean…do you mean when you press a button, you want to access something within a movieCLip; and this movieclip is within ANOTHER movieclip??
Put this on the movieclip that has to be pressed and change “frame” to the frame number to go to…
You have to use _parent because other wize it would try going to the specified frame inside the movieclip that has those actions…
edit: yeah… I don’t think you can use spaces in instance names but that’s not the case here…
*Originally posted by blah-de-blah *
**is main mc the instance name? i’m not sure if you’re allowed spaces in instance names…I’m not sure what i know hwat you mean…do you mean when you press a button, you want to access something within a movieCLip; and this movieclip is within ANOTHER movieclip??
i know a bit confusin what i just said **
no it isnt instance name… i just called it main mc so that it would less confusing… hehe… guess it didnt work. lol
what i mean is… when you press this mc inside another mc… it takes you to a certain frame within the mc that its in… lol i hope that was clearer… hehe :thumb:
Put this on the movieclip that has to be pressed and change “frame” to the frame number to go to…
You have to use _parent because other wize it would try going to the specified frame inside the movieclip that has those actions…
edit: yeah… I don’t think you can use spaces in instance names but that’s not the case here… **
cool !! ill try that out ! thanks :tb:
woohooo !! it worked !! thanks a lot man !! :bu:
OK that was SLIGHTLY clearer dind’t sykos work? ok so you have 2 MC’s (mc1 and mc2). MC1 is in MC2…so when you press MC1 you want it to go to a frame in MC1 right??