Hey everyone!
What should I include for the reasons for his bannings so his apology will be more than just whining to us about getting back in. This should be like a declaration of impeachment =)
Kirupa :bandit:
Hey everyone!
What should I include for the reasons for his bannings so his apology will be more than just whining to us about getting back in. This should be like a declaration of impeachment =)
Kirupa :bandit:
First of all, no spamming and no cheating…
those are the main reasons…
And blowing steam is not accepted on the forums, he can punch at a wall if he’s mad…
IMO anyways…
As Eilsoe said,
Cheating (and denying it even)
Using this forum as a Chat Room, when it is a place for Designers and Programmers to gather around and help or be helped and the Random section is an added bonus for the people here.
Also, I still believe I remember him saying he uses warez.
Personally I don’t care if he used warez, that’s HIS problem. As long as he doesn’t start a whole thing with it…
meaning he shuts up about it
Using this forum as a Chat Room, when it is a place for Designers and Programmers to gather around and help or be helped and the Random section is an added bonus for the people here.
I’m not sure if I agree that this is any reason to put in the appologie. I find absolutely no offense in someone being just in the random section, as long as we benefit from their existance there. If this statement is in relation at all to what I was talking to phil about, then keep this in mind. What I was refering to was that Phil, out of all of us, has less knowlege of what is a bannable offense here, because he really only hangs in random. I hope no one thought that I meant that someone shouldn’t just hang out in random if they liked.
That’s not spamming… that’s just being sociable.
Thanks for the input all I sent him an e-mail, and I briefly stated using “the forum as a chat room.” In hindsight, I guess I should not have said that, but it is vague enough to be interpreted in numerous ways…<grr>.
Hey david, I actually forgot about what you said to Phil
:), not sure what you mean by that, I really did forget what david said…lol. I have short short term memory. I can’t remember anything about what happened last night, and I wasn’t even drunk !
I am serious!!!
I remember parts of what were said, but overall, I would have to reread the thread, which I don’t feel like doing…lol.
probebly better off forgetting it lib.
and for God’s sake, stay off the drugs boy…
I don’t do drugs either… I don’t even take Tylenol if I can get away with not taking it.
My memory is just that bad… it sucks sometimes… I remember most of it now, I skimmed through the thread earlier…lol.
sure sure… we all know you’re a crack head… you can drop the lies now.
Lol, just because where I live it isn’t even that hard to get crack, doesn’t mean I am a crackhead david…
Stop discriminatin’…LOL
see, I told you all… he even admited it. No one except a crack head would have so many posts.
I am not a crackhead!!! You are just jealous :evil:
yeah… it’s true roflmao
oh… hmmm, didn’t expect that one.
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