What’s up with pants? You put 'em on, and then you take them off. I mean what’s up with that?
You we’re banned…??
well, can’t tell ya why, we’ll have to wait untill the person who banned you replies :-\
Yeah that’s weired, i have seen you as banned today, without any further notice in Kirupa’s Council :q: :q: :q:
nothings there (??)
I checked your status Ais, it DOES say you’re banned, but I dunno why on earth you’d be banned (?? again)…
let’s hear from the others first… hey MODS, ON yer places!
Sorry about this Ais…
doesn’t come as a joke to me… IMO… :-\
Who was that guy anyways?
Can you supply a link to the thread?
Hey aislin,
I wasn’t the one who banned you either, but foul language is highly frowned upon. I wonder if the person who instigated the fight got banned as well.
Kirupa :+)
Well the question is what brought thoriphes to say that? People just don’t go around telling other people to suck their **** because they feel like it.
We will have to investigate the matter and find out what happened before anything can be done.
I did not ban you BTW.
i wonder if ther is a log that logs everything a mod does. kirupa i wonder if you would be able to contact the company or people who designed the fourm for people to down load ( Lack of good wording sry)
that is weird.:-\
Hey alex,
Unfortunately, vB does not have any sort of a log. Hey aislin, if possible, would it be possible for you to go Offline in IE and try to dig up the post and copy and paste the contents into a separate Web site?
It’s under FIle | Work Offline. That is a great method of getting access to something that is once believed to be lost.
Kirupa :hat:
hmm… i thing there should be a mod meeting… lol i hope this sorta thing never happens to me:-\
i know aislim and thoriphes very little, but i can say that they´re cool and harmless…and if they came down to that level something must have been provoked… something or someone…
i hope this has an explanation, and a public one, coz what happens here affects all kirupaville, and maybe it can set up an example to others as well.
and aislim: if you let me give a piece of advice, just the other day, i got in a ‘situation’ here @ kirupaforum, i made a joke with someone that didn´t take the joke that well and started to call me names and such… i wanted to aswer him in the same way, but put a hold on myself, and shortly a bunch of mods, users, and even :ub: poped up in my defense.
The sad part was that this guy probably wont be coming back here…and who knows? maybe he was a cool kid, that have a bad day and without knowing that these boards don´t tolerate swearings and such (believe me it is rare these days) was just ventilating…
Yeah and it is only there until your clear your cache, so don’t do that!
It will require you to go through each of your kirupaforum addresses in address bar, but if you can bring back evidence of what happened it would be great.
hey kirupa,
to bad it doesnt leave a message on why some one booted her from here. i cant say that i saw any conflict last night, and when i am here i am looking for things that might need to be brought to a mod’s attention. :-\ i hope this gets resolved as soon as it can:-\
Well, here it is. I’ll give you a play by play, while I post my jpegs one by one.
Start of the thread.
Thought I’d add my two cents, help someone out.
excuse the zips, they wouldn’t fit in normal form.
here’s me defending my opinion, because installing text files seems awfully hard.
i have to go study but i will be back here soon. and i will come back to this post
oops, forgot my attatch.
here’s the bad part.
this one isn’t necessary, I screened this one before I realized I had to go somewhere else in my history to get my response.