So, I’ve been thinking about signing up with Media Temple(a grid server account) but would like to know a few things before I do…If you have an account feel freen to answer
What are your general thoughts on their service?
What one thing(“one” loosely) would you say you like least about their service?
What one thing(“one” loosely) would you say you like most about their service?
Describe your experiences with their webmail service (ease of use, interface design, ability or lack of ability to send to other various mail servers[eg: hotmail, yahoo, etc…i’ve had a huge problem with this in the past])
Describe your experiences(if any) with their support staff.
What are the policies on reselling/reallocating space within a single grid server account(eg: hosting client websites on my grid server account)…
I think that’s it for now…I’ll post more questions later on but feel free to answer any/all questions.
Thanks everyone.