One of my housemates bought her Sega Megadrive to Uni after the easter holidays.
We all forgot how awesome all the games are. Theres a shop near here that sells old Megadrive games for £1 each. So far we have Sonic and Street Fighter 2, freaking sweet, we just spend all day playing them 
We will probably get more games soon, hopefully Streets of Rage, that game was so sweet.
nice! we still have a working megadrive too:)
we had few games though, but you MUST definitely have at least 1 sonic game:thumb:
oh, and don’t forget mortal kombat for multiplayer;)
lol I have one in the attic still works fine! As our attic has a tv and electric i some times go up there and play it “God i hate spiders ewh” lol i feel sometimes 6-8 tiny legs on my neck lol shivers