Menu control

hey guys i have a couple of questions.

i have a menu that controls my movie right, i was wondering how i could make a little sliding bar like on a media player. where u slide it to a certain spot and it goes to a certain spot in the movie.

also i would like to know how i could get my menu to stay throughout my whole movie?

Put it in its own layer and just add a bunch of frames (F5) so that it matches up to the highest number of frames you have… I don’t know if that made sense? :h:

isn’t there a component that does exactly that. its in the component window in flash.

nah thats for media that is loaded into the movie. as for keeping it on the movie. it wont work coz i have different scenes. and if u have it open during scenes then it jumps back down below the movie

oh ok cuz i was tryin to get it to work myself!

hows about taking the _x position of your slider and relating it to the frames of your movie…

say your movie has 100 frames, and your slider moves from 50 to 250

on (press) {

wer the slider is a movie clip with one frame, in which is the button with the above code on…
