All I want to know is how to get it to work, when you paste it into another movie, say 800x600. The problem is that it will not scroll correctly.
I have tried other tutes wich use different script to do it, but as yet I have been unable to modify the script to get it to work withing another movie.
The out come; is to have a scrolling menu of buttons, using Target to show and close various movies within a site.
I just carn’t seem to figure this one out, and have been unable to find a single tute that has a sliding menu within a movie. They are all stand alone.
I dont think its a time line issue as at the moment I am working with 1 frame.
If you open a new document and paste the Matrix slider into it, as long as it is alinged left it will continue to work. But as soon as you change the position on the screen it starts to play up.
Here it the tute script.
onClipEvent (load)
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
var distance=_root._xmouse-xcenter;
if (_x > 0) _x=-300;
if (_x < -300) _x=0;
I have tried adjusting the the variables but still carnt get it right.
I was just using this tute and if you don’t have the stage just as wide as your MC, it will sudenly jerk back when it reaches the endpoint [if (_x < -300) _x=0;] - if your clip isn’t lined up perfectly, just adjust the “stage value” (300 px in the tute) and the xcenter variable until you smooth it out.
otherwise what I think you are saying is that you have the scrolling MC that you want to put into another MC, right? I think that might not work b/c you are calling for the mouse co-ords for _root. Maybe if you give yourscroll MC a name and then call for those co-ords it would work? like:
var distance=yourMC._xmouse-xcenter; :q:
JCS you got what I was trying to do. However I tried playing with the numbers but couldn’t get it to work right.
I now have this script that is working. Its rough but it works. Perhaps I might write a tute, one where it wont matter where the clip or size is… using .getBounds ._width so people like me who dont know what they are doing wont have to stuff around.
you want your movie to have a scrolling menu of buttons, each button of which loads a different movie? Or does each button load a movie that itself has a scrolling menu of buttons?
Don’t know enough code myself to be of much service that way …
Its going to be a small window in a website that has a sliding menu of buttons, clicking on one of the buttons will open a new movie, wich is going to be another scroller.
Its a portfolio thing, you click on one of the small logo’s on the sliding menu, and then a larger scolling movie will apear, that lets you scroll through the letterheads, buisness cards of that company.
the buttons are not a prob, just getting it to scroll the way I want is.
I no longer want an infinte loop menu… I only want it to slide left or right to show more buttons if they are there. I am in the middle of fixing the above script to do this. At the moment it will scroll to the left and stop, but scroll to the right and it just keeps going.
I will post the file (MX), perhaps someone who is way better than myself can get it to work, or do it a better way.
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