Help please!
I’m using the Flash Menu Dropdown which uses a parsed xml file for the dynamic menu system that is generated.
I can target the sub menu items to a specific url (in the xml file), however, I would also like to target the < Main > item to a specific url. So, if the user rolls on the < Main > item, the menu expands on mouseOver and (right now it expands on onClick) and then if the < Main > item is clicked it jumps to a specific url.
Here’s a short sample:
MAIN text="PLAYGROUND" expand="false">
<SUB text="People" URL="playground/index.asp" target="_self"></SUB>
<SUB text="Awards/Accolades" URL="awards.asp" target="_self"></SUB>
<SUB text="Beliefs" URL="beliefs.asp" target="_self"></SUB>
<SUB text="Storage Shed" URL="storage.asp" target="_self"></SUB>
Any help please?
Thanks, Paul