Menu Help

Hey all, just a few questions about a couple of different things. First of all, I can’t seem to figure out how to make text a part of the “hit” area of a button, for some reason it wont ever let you roll over/click the text area on a button, so some help with that would be helpful. Then next I would like some direction on when you mouse over a button it will show an image in a specified place on the menu. Kind of want it to fade in and out on the mouse over. I think that should be some simple tweening with different alpha uses. Also wondering if I could make a movie clip that would play in the tv area while nothing is being displayed, not sure how to do this, maybe using an if statement? been reading different tutorials and things, and can’t seem to implement them into what I’m trying to do. Any help in the right direction would be a much appriciated. Please let me know if you have any questions about this. Thanks

Hi, here is an example of what I would do for the TV. May not be the best way, but I am learning!
To learn about button behaviors, look at the Tutorials section for [[COLOR=#800080]Creating Movie Clip Buttons[/COLOR][URL=“”][COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR]](javascript:Launch(‘’))( [COLOR=#0043a8]Video Pop-Up[/COLOR]
That helped me a lot. Good luck.