Menu Troubles

I have a problem with my menu that I made. It has a quality button that looks like this at 100%:

And this zoomed in:

I have every other button fine, but I can’t get the quality button to work.
It’s all a movie clip, and I’ve managed to do this before. I have 3 frames. The AS in frame 1 is:
_root._quality = “High”
frame 2:
_root._quality = “Medium”;
frame 3:
_root._quality = “Low”;

I need 3 frames, so putting them in one frame is not an option.
The only time it works is when I test scene inside the movie clip.
I need to make it so that I don’t need to break it apart, because that doesnt’ work.
The button in frame one contains the following AS is as follows:
on (release) {
frame 2:
on (release) {
frame 3:
on (release) {

For some reason, it doesn’t work when I don’t test scene inside the movie clip.
This is in Flash MX, by the way.

Try (eg for frame 1)

on (release) {


That’s what I switched it to then…

The only problem I have with the movie clip is that it doesn’t play in test movie.
How can i fix that?

Never mind. I fixed it.
On the movie canvas, I had the movie clip as a button.
Problem solved after 10 days of work.

Glad you’ve fixed it=)


Thank you.

Well, now i have another question.
How do I make it so that in a certain frame of the main timeline, it goes to a specific frame in a movie clip timeline.
I know it’s possible.

_root.mcWithSpecificFrame.gotoAndStop(specific frame)

where “mcWithSpecificFrame” is the instancename of your movieclip:)


Thank you very much! Now to test it out.
:::EDIT:::It worked better than I expected. Thank you.
