I need help making a dropdown menu in flash…
When I rollover the menu name, should the submenu be in a new scene or how should I do it?
no, it doesn’t need to be in a new scene. that sounds a little too complicated. why don’t you try putting the drop-down menu in a new movie clip and set its visibility to 0. then on rollover you can set it to 1 (which will make it visible). do you know how to do that. for example, have a separate actions layer and on the first frame have s/thing like this:
where dropdown is the instance name of your movie clip on the stage. that will initially set the movie clip to being invisible at the start of the movie.
then for your button action just do this:
on(rollOver) {
on(rollOut) {
hope that helps. let me know how it goes. - matt.
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