Merging a layer set to overlay

I’ve been trying to get a certain effect to show up only using one layer. The effect I’m going for works great with a base image on the bottom and an overlay layer on top of it, but I need to export the image to another program (still in PSD), and this program needs the image to be on one layer. Unfortunately, when I merge the overlay layer, it loses its overlay quality. Is there any way to get the same effect (perhaps with some command?) I tried to do it with Hue/Saturation, but it didn’t work because there was a transparent background (it seems to work only where there is both black and white on one layer). BTW, I’m trying to use the image in Premiere, so maybe there’s a way to achieve the desired effect here?


How about Image>Duplicate, and check the merge layers check box. This will make a new flat file (thus preserving your look) and you can save as psd (or whatever).

or you can hide the layers you dont want and make a marquee selection around the object you want, hit ctl + alt + v (edit/copy merged) and paste which should create a exact copy of the area you selected in a new layer, then you can hide the two original layers in a group called “unmerged overlay effect” if you ever want to adjust them later on.

another way which i think is probably less concise than the others but still valid is just to save your file as a png, jpg, tiff, whatever, and then load that and save it as a psd.

as i said, i can’t really see a reason to do it this way over any other way, but there you go.

I forgot to mention the benefit with doing the copy merged method is that you can retain transparency of the combination of the two layers :wink:

Thanks for the replies guys.