Hi everyone…i hope everybody is well. I had a question about PS. I have a few layers that are linked and they have certain layer blending modes. When I merge these layers they loose they blending mode property! Is there a way around this? Thanks
a layer can only have one blending mode associated with it, if you merge layers together, the final layer would then only be able to have one of those modes. PS actually just sets it to the defualt of normal and does what it can to maintain the current apperance of the layers together when merged.
now you could do this…
select all
then do this
and then “ctrl+v”
that will copy and paste a merged version of your work, maintaining the blend modes.
it will paste this to a new layer, giving you your desired result, and your old layers to work with…
Hey …whats up… I tried that method…and it didn’t work. One layer I have is in Overlay mode and another in normal mode. I have them linked and then when i do merged copy and then past it, it doesn’t work… What can i do now?
go to edit and select copy merged that is what prstudio suggested seems the shortcut aint working for you or you can save a copy and flatten the image
no it doesn’t work… otherwise i wouldn’t be putting it up
I dont think you’re talking about the same thing. Merged layers wont have blending modes. If you merge them, they’re normal. Thats it. You can add one after the fact, but it will affect the entire image, not just the part that had the effect before the merge. If you need that separation, dont merge them.
I guess adobe needs to improve on that…