
In yet another one of my expiriments in photoshop I came up with this metalic like thing that I’m pretty happy with. Needs some tweeking but I just thought I’d show you guys.

Oooo strokes it

oh thats sweet! i havent really experimented trying to do stuff like that in a while. that came out really nice though!

soul - knowing you, I’m just going to assume that’s a compliment
dippy - you should always expiriment, it’s fun

very nice. so how did you acheive that effect? was it just some custom brushes with bevel/emboss type effects added, or there more to it than that?

It looks super cool btw :thumb:

it looks cool, but I reckon you should tone down that lightsource in the bottom left - it’s kind of overpowering! nice work - would love to see a tutorial :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by xxviii *
soul - knowing you, I’m just going to assume that’s a compliment

Yes, I only stroke nice things :wink:

This is what I did, I set up a gentle gradient from light gray to white on a layer. Then I did a new channel and made an x with a spikey lookin brush. Then I went back to the gradient layer and applied lighting affects to it. I used an omni light and and set it to shiny, metallic, and fully mountainous. Then I went through and added my own blue details to it and used different blending effects.

cough like kit? cough

xxviiiiiiccxxixcxcxixvchz: yeah i know but lately i have been, just not like that, more into the photography side, thats where my heart is at. thtas fun!!

yeah that render lighting effect is pretty cool started using that recently…nice work btw

thanks… yeah render lighting effects is a huge lifesaver for 3d-esque stuff

that looks good 28, and btw, your footer/avator is cool too. =)
