basically what you have to do is play around with photoshop as much as you can, download metal - grunge brushes (or metal grates pictures - increasing contrast and turn them to brushes)
i made a few changes such as increasing contrast and color dodge etc…
why should you necesseraly need a darker metal ???
could you be as so kind to gimme the the .psd you edited with ?i totally love the darker you went with it but i am not sure about the heavy colour dodge. I tried playing around but i messed it up kinda.
If you dont have the .psd dont worry ;).
I need to find a course that will take me on being so young no schools will let me do their courses (14) which is kinda annoying i prefer learning in a people fiolled enviroment :D.
Hey - im still at school - the best skills come from experimenting around - i dont consider this any good…
Indeed I didnt save the psd, but if i remember well here’s what 'ive done: cut out the shape again into a new layer
using the layer options and made a bevel and emboss, using a burn color and dodge color for the light and dark, changed the step (in PS it look likes a slope and there are other edges visible) i put a little ‘satin’ option but it’s barely visible
next i put a white-black-gray gradient over that layer using the color dodge to a low level (~10%), and other gradients, though not that much
i also used a metal brush i found on the internet (looks like scratches) with a low level of color burn
finally i used a round brush to add highlights using again the colordodge and color burn (using white and black colors) again with a low level so it wouldnt saturate…
finally an iner shadow and outer shadow to the shape…
there is a sticky post above this one. go to the void x link or to the robo uk link they have some good stuff on metal interfaces. If you can get this book “Photoshop 7 Down and Dirty tricks” Good tuts in there and a big metal section
I really like all your ideas and things you have changed thanks for all the help i willl continue to change things and play around with it until i get it nice and simple i have lots of ideas for this interface including.