Metallica Summer Sanitarium

Any one going to this concert? im thinking about going, it looks like it will be really good. The one problem is that its 75 bucks to get a seat!

Metallica, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Deftones, Mudvayne are all going to this concert. I really want to see everyone except Mudvayne.:slight_smile:

I’m thinking about going too alex, but it’s 75 bucks to get a seat + ~600-1000 bucks to get there for me =)

Pearl Jam is going on tour soon (or they are on tour now) and their tickets are $200 +

wow, who else is touring with them?? it should be an amazing concert though :wink:

i got front row tickets to metallica…[brag brag…]
not missing that show.