
*Originally posted by RageW0lf *
**I got mine off the net 3 days ago.

that is what Thor was refering to

Oh I know - but he wasnt being “piraty” about it :slight_smile:

(I know, I just make up words now and again) :wink:

that’s how it all starts, a couple people mention that they got it off the net, then someone who would want it will ask to send it, or where you found it, then it just goes from there.

yawwwn… I haven’t seen anything out about this one coming out… After there last boner move with reanimation I dunno if I wanna pick this up… lmao

If I had the extra dough I would but I can’t afford to shell out $15 to buy a piece of plastic… I’ll just wait and possibly listen to it if my friends buy the cd and if it’s banging enough I’ll buy it myself.

I intend to but the CD over the next week, I just prefer to have the tracks early.

Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with that.

I thought reanimation rocked… it hardly ever leaves the CD player in my car… “Forget” with Chali from J5 (track 5) is one of the tightest tracks ever… and “Place for my Head” remixed by Amp Live and w/ Zion is freakin’ sick too… oh and “Hi Voltage” and X-Style (the ex’s rule my DJ world)… and so many more… I dunno how anyone would not like that album… the amount and range of talent they recruited for remixing and vocal pieces is insane. My .02 ---- then there’s the new J5 album (well not that new anymore)… wow.

I’ll prob go pick up the new Park this week, I am looking forward to it.


by J5 do you mean Jurassic5?

I dont know the names of the guys in the group - but their music is amazing!

I personally can’t wait to get their new cd… i just gotta wait til friday when i get paid… why is everyone dissin reanimation? so what if it was just a gimmick to get money? we all already know they are sell outs, so just enjoy it for what it was. I really liked reanimation and thought it was like the best rock remixes ever.

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**by J5 do you mean Jurassic5?

I dont know the names of the guys in the group - but their music is amazing! **

Yes that is who I mean… .and the member I mentioned has a very easy voice to distinguish from the others: his is the super deep and smooth one - man I wish I sounded like that.


I actually bought the CD for my g/f. I don’t own any CDs because everytime I get one, it gets stolen. Some a$shole that I work with stole $750 worth of CDs from me a while ago. Never found out who it was tho… if I ever do they will DIE. So since then I have never bought another CD.

aw jubba…I will help you murder that person (olny kidding) but, i would be extremly mad if someone stole all my cd’s…I don’t know what I would do. probably cry…then find that person and make them cry.

oh btw…who is meteora?! I’m in the dark here. Rap? what…

Linkin Parks new CD

oh…no comment…

*Originally posted by RageW0lf *
**I got mine off the net 3 days ago.
Yeah Linkin Park are great, the best hard rock band about for sure.

To make you all extremely jealous, I saw linkin park live (before Hybrid theory came out) playing infront of about 300 - before they were famous.

I thought they had real potential even then :slight_smile: **

i saw them way way before they were live as well, in front of about…100 peeps. awful show. they opend for kottonmouth kings, i left in the middle. no disrespect, just my own thoughts:love:

*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**ya reanimation was really a gimmick to have another linkin park album i bet their record label made em do that to have more money, I think what they did was mess up truly great songs lol

Grim **

hehe, i just had to say. It was them being greedy. not the label. ok i’ll stop now before everyone here hates me. :beam: (please don’t)

About this whole debate over why they made this reanimation CD:

First off, even if they were simply being greedy the awesome display of talent they brought in to make the album makes it a good one regardless of their motive – if they simply wanted a few extra bucks I’m sure they would have simply done what the lame main stream R&B and “wanna-be-gangsta” rap arena has done: add a few electronic drum beats and some average cuts by a so-so DJ to an already popular song.

The fact is they have an extremely good DJ in their band, and I feel (regardless of what you hear/read/or see :sure: ) he brought (well at least helped to bring) this idea to the band… the idea (that any decent DJ should be well accustomed to) that a remix can be absolute sh!t, but if done right and with talent and thought it can be one of the most powerful trasformations a song can go through.

I thought this album was spot on. Even if motivated by greed the show of talent alone shows that it was done with care and a true goal of producing something good.


P.S. johnBlaze… I hate you. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Ryall *

P.S. johnBlaze… I hate you. :stuck_out_tongue: **

Nooooooo!!! hehe. s’all good.

Haaaa haa ::spoken like Nelson on the Simpsons::

GOT IT! roxxroz.