Props to Linkin Park

Bought the album last night … (got the special edition one with the DVD and the book etc.) … and I must say that the album is fantastic and even better once you watch the DVD and listen to what they had to say about why they did it the way they did … for example they sought out to def. not sound like their first to albums regardless if anyone liked it or not, and they compiled about 100+ songs and narrowed it down to the ones that they released - which is nice to know because that just means that have plenty of material to produce a new album that isn’t going to take 10 yrs. to make again. (not quite ten - but that’s not the point)

Anyways it’s a great album and I’ll give it a 9 out of 10 … if you like Linkin Park it’s def. a different sound for them - and a welcomed one at that.