Hmm, seems I need to brush up on the info. Sounds good to me though! :thumb:
[QUOTE=grimdeath;2344406]What I really disliked was the 10 minute install seriously WTF I dont mind watching the intro vids which are like 30 mins but 10 mins watching a progress bar ZOMGWTFBBQ[/QUOTE]Then you’re probably not gonna like the fact that there’s an install before every new act. Not as long as the first, but still annoying.
The game is pretty good so far, though it is pretty cinematic-driven. It feels like for every minute of gameplay, there’s at least a minute of cutscene.
I forget why, but I started playing trying not to kill anyone by using the anesthetic pistol, but later on I said **** it and started killing everything, seemed more satisfying that way. The new radar system takes some getting used to, but shouldn’t take long.
So far, so good. I can’t wait to log more hours into this game.
Was thinking about trying it out but not too impressed with the ps3. The other thing i find very irritating about the MGS series is when you finally get out of a 20 minute cutscene to walk through a door and watch another. I realize the story is important, but its a video game let me play it dammit!!
Oh Oh oh… I beat it!!! 20:30 hours!!! hhahahahaha Story is amazing… But still! I prefered MGS3 anyday…! I know I’m a disgrace for saying that! hahahahaha
Now beat it skipping the cut scenes you will finish it in under 5 hours :lol: its mostly a movie and not a game, like I said before fans of the series will :love: it others lets just say tis not a game for everyone.
The controls are still are as bad as the were on PS1, gameplay is slow as hell, snake runs slow well he is old but still :lol: its a good game but I don’t think it deserves all the praise it’s been getting since it doesn’t bring anything innovative or mindblowing.
I enjoyed it.
Quick question - are you Solid Snake in this one, or Big Boss?
Solid Snake cant explain why hes old its part of the story but they do explain it
Gotta say even though I hated raiden hes pretty badass in this MGS
I saw screenshots - he’s all cyber-ninjafied. A lot better than the old foppy Raiden. :lol: Oh, I found out why Snake is Old Snake too - won’t spoil it though. :look: