MGS4 on PS3

I’m surprised to not have heard anyone mention that this game was released yesterday (maybe they’re all playing it)

Anyways do you ahve it how good is it I’m still deciding if I should buy a PS3 just to play this game and to have a blu-ray player but I just dont want to end up buying a console for 1 game like I did with the crap cube (RE4) and the Wii was just an impulse buy.

So PS3 owners is this game that great or is it just more of the same please let me know and no biase please this is serious here I’m gonna waste 500 bucks on this :lol:


I’ve read on another forum and heard from people who have bought the PS3 just for MGS4 and they said it was totally worth it. It’s apparently one of the most polished games in a long time.

Thanks for replying and trust me I’ve read many forums and reviews and I know the quality of MGS I’m a huge fan just like RE series but I just want to make sure my 500 bucks will be well spent :lol:

I will let you guys know but I’m quite certain I will purchase a PS3 this weekend just for this game dammit friggin exclusives are killing me

If I weren’t at crappy work I would be playing it RIGHT NOW! I posted full impressions of my first 3 hours with the game on my IGN Blog. View them here.

It is certainly the best looking and quite possibly the best over all game that has come out for the PS3. I purchased the MGS4 bundle yesterday, and boy am I glad I took the plunge and bought a PS3.

Alright, lemme first say that the game is beautiful, and also that I’m very pleased with my PS3, so yeah, go for it.

As far as MSG4 goes, OH MY GAWD, could you let me play a little LESS perhaps?! It took a full 26 minutes of cinematics and crap before the game actually started. Better not try to play this one for any less than like 4 hours at a time.

I heard it was heavy on the cinematics… I might pick it up tonight, if the woman of the house allows it :-o

Hopefully I’ll be able to buy a PS3 and new HDTV in about a month… I’ve got a lot of catching up to do, game-wise. MGS4 looks really badass.

It’s definately the number one reason why I bought the PS3 (good thing I did though because it really is a great machine). I would go for it, you really won’t be dsiappointed and especially so if you’re a fan of the series.

It combines everything that was great about each of the previous titles. I haven’t had the opportunity to play through that much of it yet but from where I’ve got to I have been thoroughly impressed. The cinematics are pretty long and frequent, but I think they really add to the game.

Well I bought a PS3 today and MGS4 so far its ok I will post my impressions later but I’m not that impressed so far :frowning:


Do you still get to eat random specimens of wildlife?

My favorite quote from MGS3:

“Son of a b!+*h! Beeees!” -Revolver Ocelot

Nah, no snake eating this time, but you have got instant noodles and energy drinks, just what you need to get you on your feet on the battlefield.

I completed it a few days ago, and I have to say, it was probably the most epic game I’ve played. Just want to play it through again now. It is a bit slow at the beginning, but it does pick up, I swear!

Well… I hope it impresses you grimdeath, if not then at least you’ve got a nice shiny paperweight until another good PS3 exclusive comes round.


NEVAHR I :love: my X360 to much to go to the lightside (PS3) :lol:

What I really disliked was the 10 minute install seriously WTF I dont mind watching the intro vids which are like 30 mins but 10 mins watching a progress bar ZOMGWTFBBQ

Another thing I didn’t like was the game not letting me shoot whenever I friggina want to had to unlock the friggin weapons :fight:

Anyways I’ll just finish MGS4 and I might end up selling the damn thing :lol: well I only paid 300 for it and MGS4 cost me 5 bucks thank God for tradeins :lol:

ok now after reading this I think I might run out and get it!! :smiley:

Three words - Fabula Nova Crystalis. :drool:

Ah yes, good ol’ Final Fantasy. That would be the second reason for getting a PS3 over the 360… I’m not banking on it being released any time soon. No worry, the more polished it is, the better!

Pfft if its turn based combat its an EPIC FAIL in my book so thats all PS3 has for Rpgs poor Sony X360 is getting like 6 most are exclusives some from Squeenix :lol:

NOES! Turn based has its charms! I’m not too sure how they’re handling combat in this one, but I’m pretty sure it will be turn based. I wish I did have the online capabilities of the 360 though. Ah well.

Naw, it isn’t turn based. It’s like FFXII, no more random battles either.