Michael C. Teniente

Hi, my name is Michael.

I read and applied the tutorial [COLOR=black]Scrolling Dynamically Loaded Text, on the web site:http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/dynamic_scroller.htm[/COLOR], I was great. Only one problem…well, more like 2. The first being: It seems that no matter how large the textbox I make when I play the movie only a limited amount of lines are able to appear in the scroll text when I scroll to the bottom. In other words, I changed the content of the .txt file and replaced it with something much longer, but the scrollbar would only go so far. How do you increase the setting, actions, so that more text is able to ‘fit’ and scroll to the .txt documents conclusion? I put a paper I wrote in the .txt file and it works but only to a certain section of the paper. I want it to work for the full document.
2nd question. I like the scrollbar, I see it’s from the components section. I went into it’s belly, so to speak, and edited it pretty good. I was able to change the appearance of the down arrows, the thumb…everything. But I had to work pretty hard to get the scroll thumb into it’s new position. I changed it’s starting location but it still only goes so far down the scroll track so I adjust the track and the arrows and I can get it to look decent enough, but I want to be able to increase or decrease how far the thumb will go according to whatever I want it to go. I can play with it and make it look appropriate but there must be a quicker way of controlling the thumb, is it in the actions? Which lines? I played with the actions and change the size of the thumb, the size of the track, postitions but I can figure out how to contol the thumb…how far down I want it to go. Can anyone please provide me with the answers to these questions? I would apppreciate it very much. Thank you so much for the tutorials and have a nice day/night.

Michael C. Teniente