I am currently using the following tutorial (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/dynamic_scroller.htm) to create scrollers i have found that i am limited in the amount of text i can scroll, is there any way around this??? I reckon i could fit more text in if i could edit the slider bar, how do i do this ???
Errr, you shouldn’t need to edit the slide bars and how are you limited by the amount of text? I have had alot of text in a dynamic scoller. So I am just wondering.
i’ve worked out the problem, the reason i couldn’t scroll all the content was due to the fact that i didn’t leave enough space at the bottom of the notepad text file, the more blank space you leave in notepad, the smaller the size of the slider on the scrollbar in your movie, the content i had on one page was all bunched into paragraphs, this scrolled fine and i noticed the slider was smaller, the one where i was having a problem was one where all the info was on single lines with spaces, this meant the slider was bigger and therefore wouldn’t scroll to the bottom of the text file, hope this makes some sense.