OMG I WANT TO SEE HIS NEW MOVIE! “BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE” I love Michael Moore! His last book “Stupid White Men” was amazing. My friend saw Columbine the other day and he said it was really good…
Ya i really want to see the new move. I’ll have to wait for it on DVD though. There isn’t a move theater here that will show that kind of movie. Well maybe the broadway theater will
I have heard nothing but good things about this flick.
The thing with Michael Moore is you either love himr or you hate him. I have been a many message boards with flame wars over this very topic - how good the movie was. Many people think he is trying to shove his opinion down our throughts and the others thing he is brilliant and tell it how it is.
I guess I will just have to see it and make my own judgment.
But for the recored I loved his last one about the car industry!
Well, the thing is, he is trying to shove his opinions down our throats, bur his opinions are that the government is corrupt and all they want is more money. And he’s right. He is just showing everyone the way in which the goverment and big businesses are evil…
I like Michael Moore, but I have not seen any of his videos on DVD. All of his previous movies are only on VHS…which is quite a shame because I don’t have my VCR connected to the TV. His movie the “Big One” was one of the best movies I’ve seen. Even though he does tend to sensationalize issues, he is one of the best reporter/commentators I have ever had the chance of watching!
Philly Boy: I was supposed to send you that book, “Stupid White Men: and other sorry excuses for the state of the nation”. I told you I would send it in July, and I never got around to it. I just got it back, I was wondering if you still wanted it. It is a definate Bush Bashing book. It will give you tons of new ammo against the dumb one… Its written by Michael Moore…