Interesting facts about Bowling for Columbine

Check out this page - I got the link from IGN after reading a review for the movie. Really makes you wonder at some of the stunts pulled by Mr Moore.

I am not saying that I dislike him - just saying that he has a hard time making me belive him now…

funny, I was saying that when everyone here was America Bashing when the movie came out…

he has some good points, but he is still out to make money first…


Yeah, a true documentary would bore most people. He is very sensationalist, and that’s why I find it disturbing when individuals claim to know everything about the US based solely on watching his movies or by reading his books :-\

never read any of his books or seen any of his movies… lie… i saw one of his shows, a documentary on chrisler (i think) a few years ago…

i thought it was funny, but as a documentary very poor on info.

i don´t like this guy either, but he has a few good points . And yes, he´s just out for the money.

personally i don´t like to mix serious bussines with comedy to make a point.

[off-topic] last night a saw an incredible documentary called blue eyes, anyone seen this?
it is reaaly impressive.
that was the third time i´ve watched it, and it baffles me every time.

This is indeed very disturbing… I’d like to see what he has to say about this :-\

I’m too lazy to read all that…

*Originally posted by DigitalPimp *
**I’m too lazy to read all that… **

now this is a quality post!



Yeah, some good points some not…

Before watching Colombine I already knew some things where false and some just to stir up emotion. But thats the point, its a movie, and to get his message accross. I think Moore could have done a better job of defasing the NRA but he didnt, he actualy gave the NRA a bit of credit, and to other gun owners.

But, if you double check some of the things in the link above, he has gotten alot of things wrong, and alot of things based on assumpitions. He just chose what sources to post and what to leave behind…

this proves to be an interesting read… say it aint so michael… :frowning:

EDIT: This quick edit feature kics glutes!!!

I haven’t finished it yet, but I agree a very interesting read, and sad in a way. Moore has produced good intelligent work in the past. Bias, of course, but intelligent none the less. Personaly I can explain away about 20% of what they are saying at this point. There are, even after only page 3 some serious alligations which certainly should classify the “documentary” as fiction, and shed incredibility upon his word in any of his works. I don’t think that the “Mike and Me” movie was so far off as this one obviously is, but I’ll admit to being fooled by his antics in BFC. I’ll have seriously review his other stuff some more.

Actauly this guy has alot of things wrong.

For ex: He says that the weapons factory only makes Satelites and so on, then how come on the interview the PR. for the Weapons factory say that, he says “the weapons we produce are …bla bla bla!?”