Might be going to ireland for the rest of the school year

Well heres the thing, my dad got a job near dublin, he pretty much gave me the decision to go or not. He doesn’t want to leave my brother and I with a nanny because its too far away, he wouldn’t be able to visit much etc. He also said every month or so i would be able to visit london, (a dream of mine).

Though there are sevral cons Which include

Not seeing my friends
I’m fairly anxiety prone, especially where i feel i don’t belong.
Seasons are different(?)
I won’t be able to go to Canada to see my girlfriend any time soon (with the exception of this Christmas)
I guess Irish people don’t like emo kids (but who does right?)
New school, new laws, new policys


I’ll get to go to LONDON!
Cool accents
I’ll become part of the commonwealth (there’s a program allowing people of Irish decent to become citizens) This will make it a lot easier to get virtually everywhere.
Will make it a lot easier to convince my dad to let me go to Canada for Christmas.

I can’t decide, pretty torn here