I was talking with a friend from school the other day, and he mentioned he was going to Ireland on the 6th. “Why?” I asked, he answered that he was going to work there. Then he asked if I had a job. “No” I replied, even though I have some stuff going on. I don’t have to tell you the whole conversation but it ended with him referring me for the same position as him. Some sort of Tech support for IBM in Dublin. I got pretty excited, I wanted to go to Dublin to study music (or something of value) next year or the year after that.
I emailed with the lady a few times, got some information and it looked like I was really going to get it. Then she called me, and I was told that my position wasn’t in Dublin, all of those were full, mine was in the south of the country. Now! To the question-mobile!
Is anyone here from, or have been in the “south” of Ireland? My geography isn’t the best, so are there any “big” cities like Dublin there, or will I be sitting in a cottage speaking to retired pirates and folk-artists? :pa:
I’ll get some more info soon by email, but I thought I might aswell ask. It’s not like I’ve got anything better to do.
EDIT: you know what? I could’ve just wikipedia’d Ireland and gotten a list of their bigger cities… This is SO much more fun though… :ne: