Mini-tutorial /connecting to your host\

Once you make your site you gotta connect to your host, right?
In this very small tutorial I will show you the basics of connecting to your host.

step 1------------------------------------------------------------------------
Use the top navbar and select Site/NewSite…

step 2------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now fill in the proper site information

Site Name: put your site name here
Local Root Folder: this is the folder that all the files in your site will be, so they can be uploaded to
Default Images Folder: this is the main folder your images will be stored in (EXAMPLE:
HTTP Address: This is where you type in your site URL or address

step 2------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now’s the really important part. Press on the Remote Info button on the left side of the New Site window.

change the dropdown menu from “none” to “FTP” after you do that a few more options will appear.

FTP Host: Type in the server/host address or URL that was provided to you by your hosting company
Host Directory: type in a /
Login: Use your UserName that you recieved from your hosting company
Password: type in the password that corrisponds with your UserName

now press on the TEST button, if you get a window saying Dreamweaver connected to your server properly than you win! And you did everything right.

this thing is probably full of grammer errors and spelling mistakes but bare with me folks

Cool, are you going to post it somewhere so it doesnt disapear? (like giving it to kirupa) or post it on ur site?

you ripoff artist! :pirate: :pirate: :pirate:

everyone knows i wrote this first!


j/k, good tutorial :slight_smile: but you shoulda searched first hehehe

you wrote it? oh sorry!!!
i made it just because i was bored

hah yeah i did, but i’m just kidding about being mad man! :slight_smile: