Minimal Design Agency Site

Hi guys, I’d appreciate any comments or suggestions on this flash site i’m working on… WhiteAgency
It’s a site for a media company, you’ll see what they do when you look at the site, they want a minimalist approach, quite arty look. I also have a top ‘advert bar’ which will go above the site as a rolling animation. Advert Bar

I’d just like some feedback on what you think, I need 2 more images for ‘history’ and ‘people’ but cant think of much to put there. Also what about colour??

Cheers, Pdue.

Ps Sorry bout the yahoo advert, it’ll be proper hosting :wink:

hosting an agency/business site on geocities is NOT, I repeat NOT smart! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe I know, just put it there for testing.

2 Main things…

  1. I’d make the navigation with a > or something to let people know that it expands to other links. I didn’t know there was anything under the About Us cause it opens with that “About Us” page.
  2. The transition is way cool, I like it … but it gets a little old with the wipe out, then wipe in again, over … and over … and over. I mean, if you like it, keep it - but I’d suggest since you have so many pages, to maybe think of other transitions. Perhaps just make the bars rotate. Be vertical one time, diagonal another time. Stuff like that…

It looks cool though - I like it. It’s a cool setup, and it’s simple yet flashy enough to make people like it.

I like all the graphics you used too, that was cool. You might want to make the e-mail addresses on the Contact Us page mail links.

Pretty nice lookin site

Thanks for the comments, I think I agree with you about transitioning every single page, maybe once you get into a main section (about, services, contact), there is a quick transition between those pages, I’ll have to have a think, cheers.

i like the transition but i don’t like the contact/e-mail us part. Oh and the font, i don’t think it fits, personally

You need a new font.

i dont have anything wrong with the font, except on button rollover, where it gets kinda blurred. i wouldnt make the font selectable though.

the site is well done, but maybe too minimal or too much the same. the same transition, while nice, does get old after a while.

i would make custom scrollers, the default ones dont fit in well.

i dont really like the bg color. i dunno, i see a lot of bg on 1280 x 1024. maybe put the site in one of the mutually loathed popups or something, or center the page vertically. it just seems like theres a lot of empty space.

by all means its a good site though

Right guys, a new version has been created and is waiting for your critique…


I’ve added a new simple menu system and changed the transitions slightly, also I’ve added some colour to the images. I still need images for history and people if you have any ideas,

Still reservations over the font its a bit blocky Imho

How should I do the fonts?? I havent done any pixel fonts before, I’m using verdana at the moment, or is it just on the roll-overs that it gets messy???

*Originally posted by Sunny *
**You need a new font. **

yes! nice transitions though

i like those transitions :slight_smile:

Transitions look cool, the title bar is a little bit “gray”. The rest looks fine to me. Easy to use, very clear. It’s a little bit simple, needs some color. But it is easy to use.

Thanks again for more comments, much appreciated, the grey bar at the top is going to be filled with some sort of marketing ad so you can forget about that for now.
I’ve tried to add parts of colour in each image to break up the grey but would you recommend some colour in the menu?? perhaps the arrow being orange or something???

I think he’s using dynamic text for some reason and not embedding the fonts, for a site like this just use static text… and maybe a pixel font?

['EDIT] By the way, I really liek the graphics, menu, and especially the transitions[/EDIT]

All the main text on the right is dynamic text yeah, loaded from a text file, that’s the way they want it!!!

I’ve done a bit of experimentation, see what you guys think of [this]
Tell me which menu colours you like and whether the titles add something to it or take it away.

Nice transitions, ugly font.