…so I get that you are an assassin and all that. A pretty good one, even. What confuses me is why my character looks like this almost all of the time:
It is isn’t as if everyone in the place I am at is dressed like this either. If I were an assassin, my goal would be to blend in and not cause a lot of attention to myself. Looking like this in, let’s say the American colonies in the 3rd installment, is probably not a great idea. This might explain why sequences where you are supposed to follow someone are so stupid. If I saw anybody in my vicinity dressed like this, I would probably be staring at them as intently as they are staring at me. I would be live-tweeting, instagramming, and vine-ing every single step Ezio / Altair / Connor take.
It isn’t that the developers of the game don’t realize this. There are several missions where you go steal some NORMAL clothes so that you aren’t spotted from a mile away. There is simply no option to dressing up normally. You can buy new clothes at the General Stores, and those clothes are often more ridiculous than the default costume. For example, I could choose to dress up as Captain Kidd. If I…err my character…wanted to look ridiculous, I would play Fable and run around in a chicken costume.
Getting back to the Assassin’s Creed, what surprises me isn’t the rare moments when people spot me and I have to run or hide. What surprises me is WHY AREN’T PEOPLE CHASING ME EVERY SINGLE MOMENT I AM DRESSED LIKE THIS. It just makes no sense.