I just got this in a PM:
After Effects
Hi there!
Im working on a new design. For the first time ever its all in flash so Ive been asking some questions in some forums. And as I have understood it. You would need a 3rd part program like Adobe After effects. I saw some amazing stuff you made on http://www.ayatoweb.com/
And I was wondering if you could do something for me
Something like this Tutorial:
Ive tryed to do thoose tutorials but I havent got the skills to do it.
So im wondering could you do something in Red or maybe blue for me with a B in it?
if so pm me back or send an email to:
Ps. I appologise for my bad english.
He actually asked politely and all :o
I’m talking to him via MSN at the moment, and I encouraged him to try a few of the tut’s on ayatoweb himself, and he actually would! I told him which to do and in what order, just to ease the learning curve… and he’s doing fine he just sends me a message if there’s something he doesn’t understand
(his english isn’t perfect mind you)
Just wanted to share a perfect request by PM, one I haven’t seen in ages It’s not unpossible yet