This is a preview of a game I’m making. What do you think?
…Where is it?
there we go
:h:I still dont see anything.
i hate it… it works now
Sorry dude, but it doesnt work.
P.S. I gotta go.
Works for me. Very cool! But after a while the missiles won’t kill the enemy missiles, they just pass right through them. But its very fun!
well actually its not that they don’t hit the missiles it that there is an problem with the collision detection. I’m still working on a better method.
yeh dude i like it. And as said b4, the missles fail a little into level 2. I also like the explosions, nice job.
I found the secret to nice explosions in flash:
Step 1: Download the particleIllusions demo.
Step 2: Export a nice explosion.
Step 3: Import.
Step 4: Trace Bitmap.
Step 5: Stand in awe.
haha… thats how I do it.
Jeremy :cap: