MIT does it again

Ingenius idea regarding music. Nice read.

now that is using the law to your advantage.

nice link.


Thats pretty slick.

I’m sure our kirupa was involved in this somehow :wink:

Well I played a bunch of U2 songs on the network :slight_smile: Basically you get to a page where you select which song you want to hear from about 3500 albums or so. The songs are then broadcast on certain MIT Cable TV channels.

The funny part is that I don’t have a TV in my room, so somebody out there had to put up with my incessant U2 playing lol! There are about 10-12 channels so about 10 or 12 people at the same time can be listening to music on the TV at the same time.

it would be interesting to see if they could piggyback the analog signal over the coax to a web tv style box, so more people could listen at once.

Well, as long as you tune in to that channel, you can listen to that song - there is no real limit to how many people can hear it. If my U2 selection is playing on channel 64, all the people with MIT Cable can tune in to channel and listen to it.

It’s kind of like the Music Radio stations you get with the Digital Home Cable setups that ATT, Comcast, etc. offer. Instead of the station pre-picking the songs, you get to pick it interactively online.

yeah i was going to say it sounds a lot like the digital cable ones, bit with more interactivity. but here is my question, couldnt someone tivo the sound and then burn it to a dvd or something?

you missed the point mike…

yes you can, but not at CD quality…

just like taping a CD, it was allowed due to the quality reduction…


i meant like to where more people could customize the stream

Sounds pretty good on paper, but i really don’t think it will solve all the file sharing problems…as long as the record companies can only go after less than .01% (or some incredibly small percentage) of the file swappers, people will continue to download music for free.

would the average joe rather listen to music somebody else picked out on his tv or surf his school’s network and download gigs and gigs of pirated music in a matter of minutes? Then he can choose what he wants to listen to/burn to a cd and listen to in the car.

I could see it coming to something like this in the future, but I think this will be slow to catch on for now.



what if you could control the channel for 60 minutes a day… then you could pick from the library, set your CD recorder/PC/tape deck, and voila, guilt free music at your leisure…

that is where the beauty in this lies… that you can choose, then record what you want out of the library, not that you are limited to your TV…

outside the box…


*Originally posted by prstudio *
**i meant like to where more people could customize the stream **

the article says that more can control the channels, just for $100 more, more channels…

I don’t know why everyone is bagging on this… it’s not like they are going to take away file sharing… it’s not an either/or choice…

this place can be so negative, and uninviting to new ideas some times…


Nononono I love it!

I just was thinking if this takes off; they could have like at least 5,000 channels.

It’s a beautiful thing.

Here’s another idea; What if companies pay for advertising slots on said channels? :open_mouth: This idea can be really beneficial for the whole project.

Yes, I could see that working, they play silent comercials while the song plays. That would be pretty good.

Also, some bands or companies could buy/sponsor channels for certain bands/types of music. (I would SO be into a Hard Rock/Metal channel!) This idea could really take off.