Hello, my name is Ampy I am currently looking to develop a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game in Flash via Actionscript 3.0. I am looking for Actionscript 3.0 Programmers, will you be paid you ask? In the future yes but, for the moment it is a volunteer only position/job. I am also looking for Flash Designers/Animators. Send me a message at aqwampy@hotmail.com and show me some of your work if interested, all staff accepted will receive a minimum of Dev/Moderator status in-game. Thank you for your cooperation.
Details About The Game:
Name:Dragons Unleashed Worlds
Programming Language To be Used:ActionScript 3.0 (AS3)
Also if your wondering what I will be doing I am going to be the primary web designer just to let you know and again thanks for viewing and I hope your interested. Also better yet than messaging me you might prefer to just add me as a contact and discuss it with me to make the process more efficient but, your decision on that doesn’t affect the “discussion” so choose as you wish.