X-Box VS. No XBOX (Read this mdipi!)

I’m considering buying an XBOX, I dunno if I mentioned it.

But then I thought, ‘Well hey, computers have online play… why pay 75 bucks to get a headset, and 200 to get a ‘soon-to-be’ obselete machine?’

Every game available on Xbox is available on the PC, and if it isn’t, it’s most likely available for my PS2, and if it isnt on either of those, it’s probably one of those crap-crap-crap-crap games that nobody cares about.

I guess Panzer would be an exception.
Anyways, Mdipi, why bother with xbox? is there anything good about it whatsoever?

because its a cheap computer you can rob M$ out of $100+ or so dollars just by purchasing. Mod chips are available and you can run oses off of them… I believe they are even in the process of hacking it to be a ‘set-top box’ for controlling your entertainment center.

Plus theres a satisfaction factor in sitting down in front of a tv over a monitor to play games, espcially when you can invite three of your friends over to play head to head together all through the same box.

You lie sen! OS’s!?

give me proof! now! please!!!

if I could run a windows or a linux or SOMETHING then I’d buy it in a second.


I’ll look at that link for awhile and then decide.

By the by, I’m not out to rob microsoft, it’s a good company.

to some, thats a perk. :-\

I dunno about this thing, it sounds awful complicated. Plus I’ve always been scared about mod-chips. I don’t like… opening things and possibly breaking them.

putting stuff in PCI slots is where I draw the line. LOL

sen, how about a link to them mod chips these guys are talking about so much.

should have mod chips

ok ok ok, haha! i just got back from 4 hrs of LIVE! :crazy: :stuck_out_tongue:

HALO? HALO 2? MGS 2:Substance? Splinter Cell? The last two you are going to be waiting for a while just for a PS 2 release. There is almost no lag on LIVE cause its only Cable/DSL unlike PS2. Also voice is supported in every game. You get a friends list and much more.

Now, can you get Championship for comp? nope, only Torny…which you are going to be spending some cash on cause it requires fast fast stuff. if you gotta big tv you get a BIG playing screen. Have buddies? Have up to 8 players playing on 2 XBOX’s with system link. Just look into it…XBOX is going to be around for a LONG time…i dont have alot of time otherwise i would keep going…but talk to 3d also;)

Dude, MGS2 was out on PS2 first. GTA3 was too, that’s going to xbox.

Splinter Cell looks okay. Meh.

…well. between the opportunity to kick Mdipi’s *** and the possibility of running linux on the thing… It’s as good as bought. :smirk:

Hear about the new 99$ model coming soon? LoL. Not that I’m going to wait for it or anything, a year’s a long time.

MG was done up better for XBOX :bad:

see you on the battle field…

mg was <i>done</i> on the PS2. They spiffed it up a bit for an xbox release, and then I guess they’re expecting to make more money off of it somehow by re-re-releasing it on the PS2.