Modified photo gallery tutorial problems

I set up a photo gallery from the tutorial here:

And I modified the gallery so that it would change the photos automatically without buttons using the info from this thread:

   (by adding the following to the end of the code)
myInterval = setInterval(this, "changePhoto", 10000, 1);
   I have two problems that I cant seem to resolve (I am still fairly new to actionscript).  
  1. The images in the gallery have a vertical line of about 10 pixels wide that sort of gets pinched during the fade in fade out transitions. It looks as though the image gets wider for a couple seconds and then returns to the normal size. I originally thought that it must be occuring because the images were larger than the movie clip, but that doesnt seem to be the case.

  2. Whenever I leave frame one of my movie (which is the same frame that the actionscript is attached to for the photo gallery) I get an error (output) that just repeats NaN infinately. I know that this is because I need to somehow stop trying to repeat the images in the photogallery, but I do not know how to do this. On the thread that I posted in the like above, someone mentions using clearInterval(myInterval) to stop it, but like I said I am still new to this so I don’t know where I would put that exactly.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
