Modified squirrelfinder help! (loadmovienum)

Hi guys, i’ve been trying to play around with the squirrel finder tutorial code to make it so that once you click on the squirrel’s name, it will load a new swf file instead of displaying additional content.

the coding i’m using is working fine, the only thing that isnt working is the .onRelease
no matter how many buttons i include in the XML file, all buttons manifested will try to load up the same swf.

this is the coding i’m working with.

var _xml = new XML();
_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
_xml.onLoad = function(success){
if (success) {
	reelsROOT= _xml.idMap["reels"];
	_reelsTitle.text = reelsROOT.attributes.h;
else trace("Error loading XML file");

function CreateMenu(menu_xml){
	var item_spacing = 120; 
	var item_count = 0;
	var datacount = menu_xml.idMap["reels"].childNodes;
	var items = reelsROOT.childNodes;
	for (var i=0; i<datacount.length; i++) {
			var reelinfo = items*.childNodes[0].childNodes;
			var item_mc = menu_mc.attachMovie("menu_item","item"+item_count, item_count);
			item_mc.reelURL = items*.childNodes[1].childNodes;
			item_mc._x = item_count * item_spacing;
			item_mc.reel_txt.text = reelinfo;
			item_mc.main_btn.onRelease = function() {
					**loadMovieNum(item_mc.reelURL, 4);**

my xml file looks somewhat like this:

<Sections id="reels" h="REELS">


So using this code, the 3 buttons are created just fine. when i trace into to item_mc.reelURL they trace perfectly, showing all 3 different swf paths. it’s just upon CLICKING the button, ALL of the buttons ONLY point to (clips/03.swf)

any suggestions, guys?

Thanks a bunch