
What monitor do you think I should buy; a Sony or a ViewSonic? I am looking to get a new 19" one with a 1600x1200 res@ 85+ Hz… I’ve been browsing SonyStyle for the better part of 30 minutes…

75 Hz running at 1024 x 768 sucks to do Flash and PS in…


I know most of you all do graphic design and Flash design here, so I am just wondering.

if you have the extra ca$h, go with sony

I have the cash I need… :wink: I am just looking for certain models that others may be using here…

I would go with the Sony. :slight_smile:


im using a 21 inch Trinitron (that’s Sony right?) at 1600x1200 and 85 hertz, it’s really nice :slight_smile: If you have the extra money, definitely go Sony

EDIT: Actually, at the moment I’m at 1024x786 because I’m designing a site and need to see what it will look like at smaller resolutions, I hate it cuz it screws up my desktop and because everything’s so **** big

if have the $ and right video card, go for dual monitors. I had it at my internship last year and it was the best thing ever. Trinitrons are the only monitors I’ve ever had and they have always been good to me.