Monster, Level-Experience System?

Aight thnx bro ^^ when i got my “rpg”-demo done i’ll post it so u can see it :wink: and Nich u’ll get credits for it :wink:

That’s always appreciated :). Looking forward to it.

ok this is going to sound wierd but i was able to see the swf file before but now all I get is a blank screen with the stats to the left:??

whose swf? mine works for me using mozilla

So i now got the Exp sysy but i need to have the thing with the monster killed to GEt the exp

like: i pick up a item wich goes to my inventory (i can)
but someone can explain how to making it fighable when i clikc on the sword that is in my inventory

i know something like hittest on monster so he loses hp but can someone make a script for me (a basic is ok) :slight_smile:


(srry for my noobynisch :stuck_out_tongue: )

hehe so do you want something like you click the sword and it attacks? because if you do that it will be a little harder to find out which targets you will actually hit, unless your doing tile-based because there are some easy algorithms for that, well for an easy script

when you dynamicaly create the sword

function createSword(){
var movie=_root.attachMovie("Sword","sword_"+_root.getNextHighestDepth(),_root.getNextHighestDepth())


then on the attacksequence frame just draw what you want the player to l look like when he is attacking

yeah me 2

thnx for the first script :slight_smile:

im using a non-tile game but if i attack ill press “space” or something
but i was thinking about a random damage in the sword so if it hitarea of the that the monster will loose hp