i would make a formula that fits you needs, maybe something like
function getExpToLevel(lvl){
return Math.ceil(100+(10+1.2*Math.pow(lvl,2)))
trace("Level "+i+" = "+getExpToLevel(i))
trace("Level "+i+" = "+getExpToLevel(i))
//just to get an idea of what it would be in the future levels
not sure what it comes to, but its just an example you might want to expirment untill you find a formula that fits your needs
No, I’ve done a lot of hard work on that and I’m not comfortable making it open source. Not to mention I’m not finished. If you have any question about how a particular part is done, I’d be happy to try and answer your questions.
well that’s part of my broken buggy ai that I need to change, but I’ll explain the gist of it. The health is just done in arrays, so each enemy is given a max health value and a current health value. When the enemy is generated, I make the current health equal the max health. When any given attack hits an enemy, I subtract the damage from the value of their current health. In my ai, I test that the enemy’s health is greater then 0, and if it isn’t I set a variable, creatively called “dead”, to true, which shuts down the whole thing and removes the movie clip. The movement is a simple enemy._x += 1 type thing, and I hitTest the walls to change direction.
well here it is, note that is not the best and i compiled for flash 6, its very basic and the ugly tile system with not many good benifets and walking is just ugly, but its for the exp and lvling help anyways, to kill things just click on them, and you have to be next to them hehe,